A Midsummer Night's Dream WS 17,214 SOL 12,580 73% 58 pages
Download and try these excerpts with your students.This script has had a lot of high school productions. It is cut pretty evenly. The largest cut comes from the long scene in the woods involving all four lovers. I have never seen this scene satisfactorily played, not because of the speakers, but because of the listeners. What are four hyped-up teenagers to do while they take turns with lengthy speeches? They are so charged with intent, be it to fight or mate, directors are virtually forced to invent extraneous and distracting physical business. The scene and their story become farce and predictable. With this scene shortened, the 4 lovers can remain realistically, and unpredictably, focused on their raging hormones.
The secret to this comedy and Twelfth Night is to thoroughly mine the tragic potential at the beginning of each play. Make Hermia's plight direful, Helena's isolation pitiable, Titania's and Oberon's quarrel deeply harmful to nature, the Rude Mechanicals desperate for recognition, even the impending marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta worrisome. From these real problems and desires, Shakespeare provides solutions that are beautifully layered, dramatically satisfying and deeply funny. Play all the characters straight - don't allow the Rude Mechanicals to be clowns - and the play will work its full magic on any audience. Purchase
These actors play it very straight and are still amusing!