Directing the (SOL As You Like It (~85 Min.)
As usual it is best to leave the pairings of Rosalind/Orlando, Celia/Oliver, Touchstone/Audrey and Phebe/Silvius alone. William and Charles should remain male but Corin could be an old shepherdess, as Adam might also be an old female servant. Jaques, Le Beau, Hymen and Amiens could also be played as females. The Dukes need to remain male.
DUKE SENIOR Living in banishment in the Forest of Arden
DUKE FREDERICK His brother and usurper
ROSALIND Daughter of Duke Senior
CELIA Daughter of Duke Frederick
AMIENS Lord attending on Duke Senior
JAQUES Lord attending on Duke Senior
LE BEAU A courtier
CHARLES A wrestler
TOUCHSTONE Court jester
OLIVER Son of Sir Rowland de Boys
JAQUES Son of Sir Rowland de Boys
ORLANDO Son of Sir Rowland de Boys
DENNIS Servant to Oliver
ADAM Servant to Oliver and friend to Orlando
CORIN A shepherd
SILVIUS A shepherd
PHEBE A shepherdess
WILLIAM A country fellow
AUDREY A country girl
HYMEN God of marriage
Lords pages, foresters, and attendants