Macbeth WS 18,156 words SOL 13,147 words 72% 6o pagesDownload and try these excerpts with your students.
Hecate has been hacked and the witches withered a bit, and sundry lords not allowed to bore too much, but the biggest and best cut is in the Malcolm/MacDuff scene. Honed to the central question of whether Malcolm should trust Macduff, the scene becomes wholly dramatic, and no longer seems like a pause in the action of the play.
Of the score of professional stage productions I have seen or been in, I have never encountered a thoroughly satisfying production of this play. The Roman Polanski film brings Shakespeare's Scotland visually to life, while the RSC production starring Ian McKellen and Judi Dench has the best ensemble acting I have ever seen in Macbeth. The recent production starring Patrick Stewart is also worthy. I have never seen a wholey satisfying production of the play.
The problem lies with Macbeth. He needs to be a man everyone would physically fear, yet he must also be highly articulate. Most highly articulate actors do not look like they can gut a man from the nave to the chops, with one heave. Purchase
Judi Dench is the best Lady Macbeth I have ever seen and this production is the best acting of the play I have ever witnessed. A second reading of the letter is the clearest choice for the scene.
Angus in Macbeth, Stratford 1979, directed by Robyn Phillips, starring Douglas Rain & Maggie Smith.